Russia readies two new Doomsday planes

Two new Russian Il-96-400 Doomsday aircraft are to be put into service (similar to the one pictured)

Think the cold war is over? I don’t believe it for a second.

The Ruskies are putting into service two new Il-96-400M wide body Doomsday planes.
One plane is for the Russian Air Force and other plane is for Space Force. Apparently the planes are going to be armor plated, window-less cockpits and able to stay airborne for longer etc.

I thought you said press the red button? Oops there goes Pyongyang!

The purpose for these birds is to keep the Russian hierarchy aloft in the event of some kind of cataclysmic disaster on the ground. My guess would be most likely from thermonuclear activity.
So while we are all down here on terra-firma, getting our butts fried, the top senior military and political leadership folks will be enjoying drinks and inflight movies while circumnavigating the planet looking for a nice retirement island in the south pacific to land on. Aha, I knew it, the Russian government likes to spend tax payer’s hard earned money just the same way our government does!

source: Russian government news agency RIA Novosti

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